Streamline Your Sales Funnel with Automated Webinar Platform (Best Tips & Tricks)

Automated webinar platform is gradually becoming the voice of sales and marketing. With most of the brands tired of selling products online with just a little success, these webinar sessions are a true game changer when it comes to creation of successful sales funnel.

Don’t you feel like wasting your time and resources on marketing strategies that just aren’t effective enough ? Well, automated webinars are here to help you. With them you can create high quality content and give access to your attendees for viewing it anytime and anywhere. So, without any delay, let’s explore this quick guide to Automated Webinar Platform.

What is an Automated Webinar? 

An automated webinar is simply a “webinar with autopilot mode”. Confused ? Well, there’s no need for any host or something for webinars of this category. Automated webinars are made to strengthen the flexible structure of online content. Just like having an autopilot mode, you can set the timer for your event, and videos will be played automatically! Additionally, there are many other things that will be played simultaneously apart from just videos. Let’s dive deep and explore some key functionalities of webinars of this type.

What Webinar Actions can be Automated?

In the above section, we got a clear idea of running an automated webinar session. Now, let’s find out the actions which can are easy to automate.

Starting Session

Webinars should be started on time. With automated webinar platform, you can set the time of day you want to run your session and holla! Additionally, most of the guests don’t like to wait too long before the session begins. You can do some quick research to pick the best slot for your session.

Pro Tip:  As per the recent survey done by stealthseminar, you can pick a time slot between 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. 

Video Playing Option

With automated webinar tools, you can easily go for automatically playing and stopping the video content you want to showcase to your target audience. Furthermore, it will be very beneficial for most of your attendees to consume the online content smoothly.

Pro Tip: According to ReadyTalk, more than 94% of the marketers make their event available on-demand to boost their sales funnel campaign.

Quality Add-On

This includes adding different features for interaction such as polling, giving ratings and feedback to the session, and changing the presentation slides automatically. However, try to give an ample amount of time to each and every slide for a smoother grasping of the content by your event audiences.

Adding CTA Button

This is one of the best benefits of using an automated webinar session for your brand or service. With the addition of a “Call to Action” button, your attendees can book future events in advance. Additionally, it is mostly used as a live chat section. It should be kept in mind to put this at the end of the session in order to avoid any sort of disruption for your audience.

Pro Tip: Chances of conversion increase by at least 60 times when you include marketing material during a webinar session, as per ReadyTalk.

Features to Look for in an Automated Webinar Platform

Recording Facilities

The recording is something that should be of prime concern to the event sponsors. With Webinar Plus, you get an HD recording of your whole session for viewing it afterwards. Additionally, this is one of the best automated webinar software platform that comes with custom branding options for nurturing quality leads.

Password Protection

It is very important to keep track of your data and the amount of information you’re sharing with your attendees. With Webinar Plus, you can protect your session with a security check. Additionally, this will only allow the registered candidates to watch the session, which eventually boosts potential leads.

Social Sharing

Well, in the current scenario, “Sharing is caring for most of the growing businesses” !! . The greater your online presence, the higher your chances are of engaging a large segment of your audience. Webinar Plus offers easy sharing of event URLs on leading social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others.

Powerful Analytics

Performance measurement is something brands should be working on. After all, it’s the loopholes that need both rectification and modification at the same time. Additionally, with data-driven statistics, you can easily check which part of the session is repayable most and which part needs to re-consider as part of the audience feedback.

Registration Pages

The landing pages are the attendees first impression of your event. Webinar Plus lets you fully customize your landing page, along with the addition of a short description of the event theme. This eases your audience’s expectations by providing short glimpses of what’s going to happen throughout the session.

Ease of Use:

To provide a smooth experience for both hosts and participants, an automated webinar platform should prioritize user-friendliness. The platform’s UI should be straightforward and simple to use, lowering users’ learning curve. When the process of creating and maintaining webinars is simple, you can focus on delivering good information rather than dealing with technological issues. This user-centered strategy improves the efficiency and efficacy of your webinar operations.

Customization feature:

Customization is essential for developing a strong brand presence and a consistent brand image. A solid platform should have a full set of capabilities for personalizing registration and landing pages. This modification allows you to match the aesthetic aspects to the identity of your company, resulting in a polished and professional appearance. A unified and branded experience has a favorable impact on your audience and leaves a lasting impression.

Scheduling that is automated:

Automated scheduling tools are essential for effective webinar planning. They provide you the ability to define particular dates and times for your events, connecting them with your overall marketing and content plan. By eliminating the necessity for manual scheduling, a well-organized webinar schedule is ensured. This simplifies your process and eliminates scheduling conflicts, resulting in a more structured and efficient webinar program.

Tools for Interaction:

Webinar success is strongly dependent on audience participation, and interactive solutions are critical for creating this engagement. Polls, Q&A sessions, chat, and live chat moderation aggressively engage guests, converting them from passive watchers to engaged participants. These capabilities enable real-time engagement, conversations, and comments, enhancing and adding value to the entire webinar experience.

Capabilities for Integration:

For efficiency and productivity, seamless connectivity with other marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) solutions is critical. The platform should work with well-known email marketing software, CRM systems, and marketing automation technologies. This integration automates several components of your webinar process, including as lead creation, nurturing, and follow-up. It contributes to the creation of a unified and synchronized marketing ecosystem, so increasing your total marketing efforts.

What Is an Automated Webinar Sales Funnel?

Automated webinars are popular for creating rich content that lasts longer in the minds of event attendees. A sales funnel is basically a path you would want an interested participant to walk in the hope that you will eventually make a sale to them, as you now view them as potential consumers. Combining everything, an automated webinar funnel includes a series of steps that are taken by you to track your attendees journey and lead them on the path to making a purchase. Most of the automated webinar platform don’t have sufficient resources to generate an ideal sales funnel.

Now Create your Own Sales Funnel – Just follow these easy steps

Lead Capturing with your Immersive Landing Page

A landing page is the direct way to capture all sorts of  following information about an attendee. Try to collect as much information as you can with your landing page. For your convenience, a landing page should consist of the attention-seeking headlines that correspond to your CTA, a quick description of your offer, company or brand’s logo and colors and well-optimized form to capture information.

Email Marketing

The next step is to conduct regular follow-ups with your attendees. This one is different from the conventional methods. Use email automation as a method for moving leads into the funnel. Here’s a sequence of emails you should trigger automatically:

  • First Mail       –  thanking your attendees for enjoying the webinar session
  • Second Mail  – updating your attendees about your upcoming webinar sessions
  • Third Mail      – to remind them again and send testimonials or other stuff.
  • Fourth Mail    – final reminder before their scheduled viewing.

You can use many tools for this purpose. Mailchimp is a popular tool to deal with this situation nicely.

Retargeting Your Attendee Base

You can do this simply by utilizing the power of social media. Social media ads are extremely powerful when they couple with relevancy. With an automated webinar platform, you can sell your products to them, and if things are not going well, you can add discount offers and vouchers to your ads.

Delivering Value with your Automated Webinar

 “Selling, selling, pitching…..” – attendees hate these words 

Try to establish your brand in front of your target audience. Target the pain points of the attendees and try to resolve them quickly. Once you gain their confidence, focus on making them your potential customers. Chasing up lost leads is the best way to retain your old customers and make your brand more authentic.

5 Tips to Create an Effective Webinar Sales Funnel

Without following some unique footsteps, you can never make your funnel big in terms of revenue generation and attracting a large number of audiences. Here are some of the best hacks that can help you deal with this nicely – 

Provide a Personalized Viewing Experience:

The most memorable and engaging webinar sessions are those in which the presenter actually connects with the audience on a personal level. Automated webinar technologies are particularly effective at assisting brands in making these relationships. They allow you to personalize your content to your audience’s individual needs and interests, making them feel seen and heard. You can develop a true relationship that goes beyond a one-size-fits-all strategy by addressing their problem spots and delivering relevant answers. Attendees are more likely to stay involved and regard your company as a valued resource if they believe the content speaks directly to them.

Provide Free Sessions to Increase Attendance:

When it comes to organizing effective webinars, reducing obstacles is critical to increasing attendance. Consider making your webinar sessions free to remove the price barrier for potential attendees. Increased attendance translates to a wider pool of possible leads. Making your webinars available to a larger audience increases your chances of engaging with people who are interested in your brand or offers. It’s a win-win situation: attendees benefit from useful information, while you have the chance to create more leads.

Include a CTA (Call to Action):

A strong “Call to Action” (CTA) at the end of your webinar is an effective approach to direct your audience to the following steps. Maintain a basic, succinct CTA that is directly relevant to the material you’ve just delivered. Attendees who enjoyed your presentation are more likely to respond favorably to a clear and relevant CTA. A clever CTA may help you convert interested visitors into important leads and customers, whether it’s signing up for a subscription, asking a demo, or completing a purchase.

Highlight Your value:

A simple yet powerful method is to demonstrate the relevance of your brand to your target demographic. Begin by identifying the pain points and problems of your target audience. Then, pitch your brand or service as the answer to these problems. You build your brand as a valued resource by demonstrating how your solutions directly answer their demands. Attendees are more inclined to engage and trust a company that exhibits a thorough awareness of their issues and provides effective answers. This strategy not only creates potential leads but also cultivates long-term connections based on trust and value.

Show Appreciation:

Building great relationships with your audience begins with politeness and thanks. Make a point of thanking guests for their time and involvement at the start and finish of your webinar. A simple thank you may set the tone for the session and make an impression. It demonstrates that you respect your audience’s participation and are sincerely grateful for their presence. Building a connection based on respect and gratitude is the cornerstone for creating a devoted audience and prospective leads who believe your brand values and respect them. Make a point of thanking everyone who participated in the meeting, both at the start and at the end. Being courteous can take you a long way.

What Are the Benefits of Hosting an Automated Webinar?

Well, automated webinar sessions are all about boosting the level of comfort for event attendees. Here are some prominent benefits of using automated webinar tools for your event.

Automated Revenue Generation

Everything is link to each other. With higher viewership, your automated webinar session can be a revenue booster for your company. It is a well-known fact that “more views mean more potential customers”.

By taking advantage of the fact that automated webinar tools can reach a wider audience than live ones, you’ll be able to sell your product or service more effectively. With the creation of a sales funnel, you can easily redirect your attendees to the “Purchase Link” without them leaving the webinar.

Rich visual experience

Unlike live webinar sessions, automated webinars are a true visual treat for your eyes. For the sponsors, the video is editable and retaken as many times as you want. Additionally, with the best automated webinar platform, you can add graphics, music, infographics, and much more to your content before publishing.

Coming to the audience part, they can watch high-quality videos just when they wish to. There are fewer chances of technical glitches or something, and the best part is you can watch as many times as you want as per your schedule.

Higher Attendance Rates

Automated webinars are best for those attendees who struggle to watch the live session due to time zone differences. With this, they can stream the session whenever they get some time. Also, chances of participation increase, as it’s just like watching a movie and taking all the important information with us.

Interaction with Attendees

Well yes!! That’s true. By now, you have only heard about live webinars, which facilitate real-time conversation with the attendees. But you can do the same with automated webinars too. All you need is “Webinar Plus” by your side, and we’ll do the rest for you. Additionally, you can include polls and survey forms that include a section meant specifically for asking questions and describing problems.

Comparison Corner

This section is purely made to shed light on the basic differences between some common terms throughout the blog. It is very important to understand the fundamentals before moving on. Let’s find out: 

Live vs. Automated

  • Live webinars happen in real time, while the automated ones are pre-recorded sessions that can be accessed anytime.
  • Live webinars are best known for boosting engagement with audiences in real time. While in automated webinar sessions, there’s no room for any engagement.
  • There are high chances of technical glitches during the live webinar. However, with automated webinar tools, one thing is for sure: “they offer smooth playback.”
  • Live webinars run the risk of encountering technical problems that might stop the presentation, such as poor internet access, audio or video hiccups, or platform-related issues. Automated webinars are pre-recorded, so there is less chance of technical difficulties during the presentation itself, giving viewers a smoother replay experience.
  • To deliver the information and interact with the audience during a live webinar, the presenter must be accessible and present at the designated event time. The presenter is released from the restrictions of a set event time with automated webinars.
  • With real-time webinars, presenters can adjust their material in response to questions and comments from the audience, personalizing and enhancing the participants’ experience. Automated pre-recorded webinars provide all viewers with a consistent experience.

Automated webinars vs On-demand video

  • Automated webinars are designed to be more generic and appealing to a broad audience. On the other hand, on-demand videos can be more personalized and target individuals with specific interests and preferences.
  • On-demand videos can be edited or updated in real time, while once you’re done broadcasting the session, you can’t edit the content of the automated webinar session.
  • The resolution and streaming quality of the automated webinar platform are the key factors in convincing the audiences, while most of the on-demand videos are produced with lower production values.

What Are Use Cases of Automated Webinar Platforms?

Well, this section is very important to know about the diversity of these webinar sessions. Automated webinar sessions in the current scenario has wide range of applications in different fields such as – 

  • Healthcare Sector
  • Finance Sector
  • Marketing & Endorsement Sector

Let’s discuss each one of them in detail –

Healthcare Sector

With an automated webinar, you can provide telemedicine services to the patients. Additionally, patients can also attend the webinars to seek medical advice and consult with the doctor. Automated webinar sessions are also helpful for the marketing personnel in this field to sell their services and products to hospitals and private clinics. The purpose of webinars in this category is to educate patients sitting remotely about various health conditions, treatments, and procedures.

Finance Sector

For educating the clients about new policies in the market and announcing topics such as investing, risk management, and retirement planning, you can utilize automated webinars everywhere. Additionally, with the best automated webinar platform, you can generate potential leads and increase the scalability of your service with them.

Marketing & Endorsement Sector

Our digital media is growing at a rapid pace. With automated webinars, you can utilize social media to its full potential. Let’s say a marketing agency might offer a webinar on social media marketing strategies and invite attendees to learn more about their services.

Final Thoughts

Automated webinar platforms are a must-have tool for your brand and service to witness sharp growth within a short span of time. With so many advantages over the conventional ones, you can focus on making the content quality loud and appealing in front of your target audience. With Webinar Plus, you can create high-definition streams and utilize social media platforms to connect with a wide range of audiences across the globe.

“By using automated webinars, you can create a scalable and predictable sales funnel that generates revenue 24/7 – G2  

Top 5 Questions People Ask About Automated Webinars

Q1. How do I invite participants to the automated webinar session ?

You can invite them by sending them a general event link or by a personal invitation link. The invitation mails can be generated in the same way as in the case of live webinar sessions. For more information you can refer to –Generating Invitation Links.

Q2. Can an automated webinar session be interrupted ?

No, surely not. Only the owner or the creator of the session is allowed to alter the event. Additionally, the users with Moderator or Administrator rights are allowed to complete the event.

Q3. How do I plan an automated webinar series for the creation of a sales funnel ?

Once you’ve created the event and hosted successfully, you can immediately create an automated webinar series following the same settings. WebinarPlus allows you to create multiple events saving your precious time and resources.

Q4. Is it possible to conduct a survey during the broadcast of the automated webinar ?

In your webinar, you are free to use any standard tools. However, it is necessary to have a second presenter with Moderator rights. We suggest having at least two hosts with Moderator rights in the automated webinar that you intend to participate in.

Q5. What does an Automated Webinar session look like for an event participant ?

In an automated webinar, all participants see the same webinar room view as in a regular webinar. The video you will show is displayed in the material display area. You can enlarge it to full screen to help attendees concentrate on the presentation.

A passionate writer and a keen observer of the latest industry trends and technology." Having writing expertise in different tech-oriented niches.