Common Technical Problems
9 Most Common Technical Problems at Events and How To Fix Them

Do you need help with event tech problems? No worries, we've got your back! We’ll be delving into the top 9 event technical problems that event organizers face. This blog...

All-Hands Meetings
All-Hands Meetings: A Guide to Effective Company-Wide Communication

Nowadays, it becomes crucial to keep the team informed, aligned, and engaged for business success. All-hands meetings, also known as town hall meetings, provide a valuable meeting platform where a...

Host In-Person AGM
Hosting a Successful In-Person Annual General Meeting: A 5 Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Known for fostering communication and increasing engagement among stakeholders, the in-person annual general meeting (AGM) plays an important role in an organization. However, planning such meetings and transforming the idea...

Facial recognition technology
Facial Recognition Technology: Transforming Event Management and Security

With continuous advancements in the event industry, new technologies are setting up and emerging to enhance the participation of attendees. Not only it’s enhancing the participation but it's improving their...

Mobile meeting app
Mobile Meeting Apps: Meet Anywhere, Anytime!

The days of rigid schedules and physical locations for events have undoubtedly passed. Nowadays, modern event solutions are all about giving flexibility and accessibility to event organizers and attendees as...

Thumbnail - MICE events
Upcoming MICE Events 2024: The Next-Gen of Events and Conferences

Welcome and get ready to explore the upcoming MICE events worldwide in 2024! MICE events refer to Meeting, Incentive, Conferences, and Exhibitions. It’s a platform which brings audiences from across...

Self-service Event Registration Kiosks
The Power of Modern Self-Service Registration Kiosks: Streamline Your Event

Do you know that an average attendee spends 15-20 minutes waiting in line at the event for registration and ticketing? However, those minutes can be considered valuable time stolen from...

25 Questions for Event Management App: Registration, Attendees Tracking & Check-in

Planning an event is one of the challenging activities. Between event registration, attendee tracking, and check-in, endless tasks threaten to overwhelm even the most seasoned organizer. But what if your...

HCP and KOL meetings
The Definitive Guide to Great HCP and KOL Meetings

Healthcare is one of the most critical aspects where High-Value Care Providers (HCP) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) play important roles in it. As their ideas, thoughts, expertise, and collaborations...