Due to the advanced technology and the ongoing pandemic, one thing that gained popularity over time is Live streaming. Now that we are halfway through the period of uncertainties and ‘staying at home,’ live streaming has become the first preference of global organizations. However, if this word still sounds alien to you, don’t worry! This live streaming guide talks about everything you need to know regarding live streaming.
Read on to know.
What is live streaming and how does live streaming work?
The process of streaming video content on the internet in the real-time of being filmed is known as live streaming. A bit similar to TV, live streaming requires stable internet connectivity, and a suitable live streaming platform. Contrary to pre-recorded streaming, the content of live streaming is raw and unfiltered. Live streams can either be private or open to all. Live streams conducted over social media platforms are generally public. On the contrary, if you want to join live-streaming conducted over platforms like Zoom and Skype, you will need an id and a password. These platforms allow the hosts to talk with the attendees.

Live streams come as a digital alternative for many things that come with an in-person event. It allows you to save money and connect to a wider range of audiences. The best part about live streaming is, it is not limited to a particular kind of occasion. Various businesses across the globe conduct live streaming to meet different goals. It doesn’t matter if you’re hosting a seminar or working for a clothing label; you can use live streaming to expand your audience base and deliver your content effectively. There are various reasons why organizations stream their events live; however, according to studies, most of them use it for engaging with their audience.
Here are various types of events you can live stream-
- Virtual Event
- Webinars
- Online Workshops
- Live Matches
- Music Fests
- Virtual Training Sessions
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#During The Streaming:
- Capture Your Attendees’ Attention: The average attention span of an adult is less, and when we say less, we mean 10-15 seconds. So, as an organizer, you have to understand that it is a matter of those few seconds. Plan your content effectively; make it captivating enough to hold on to the attendees’ attention.
- Stream Your Event on Multiple Platforms: To get more views and audience on your video, stream it on more than one platform. You can use social media platforms for live streaming simultaneously. Taking your stream to more than one platform will help it come across more audiences, eventually increasing the number of views and expanding brand reach.
- Welcome New Joiners: Not all your attendees need to join the live streaming at the same time. They will take their own time and join it when they find it convenient. Hence, make sure whenever you find a new set of attendees at your event, always reintroduce yourself and your subject to them. It will keep your attendees hooked and engaged with the stream.
- Engage Your Attendees: Gaining more attendees isn’t enough; you need to maintain the numbers also. To ensure the attendees stay with you till the end, use engagement tools provided by your live streaming platform. Several tools can help you boost engagement rates, like Live Polls, conducting Q&A sessions, surveys, gamification features, and many more. Also, ask your attendees to share it with others; it will help you get more likes on your video and expand your brand reach.
#After Live Streaming:

- Enable Download and Replay Option: Once the live stream is over, make it download accessible and save it for the people to watch later. It will allow people to re-watch the video multiple times and share more on their end. Use a live streaming platform that offers this feature, and you can avail of it conveniently for the maximum reach of your video.
- Curate a Podcast: It’s generally about the content that gains people’s maximum attention, nothing more, nothing less. Make it easier for people to listen to your stream by curating it in a playlist. It will allow people to go through the stream while doing any other task. Not only this, but it will also enable them to share it with others more conveniently.
- Take Follow-Up With Your Attendees: Once the live streaming is over, take follow-ups from your attendees. It is a crucial step that organizers generally tend to overlook. However, it can cause much difference in your audience reach. Following up with your attendees can help you form long-lasting bonds with them. You can send a follow-up mail to your attendees and ask for their feedback on the streaming that will help you improve your future strategies.
How Do You Make a Stream Visually Appealing?

Here are a few ideas that will help you make your live stream a feast to the eyes:
- Thumbnail: Unleash your inner craftsperson and design an eye-catching thumbnail for your video. Make sure you include all the required information in it, such as the subject, date, time, keynote speaker’s details. You can use it while uploading the recording of live streaming video or promoting your upcoming live stream.
- Countdown Timer: Use the count down timer to build the hype about your event and build up the excitement regarding your event.
- Intro and Outro: Make eye-catching intros and outros for your live streaming. You can use the videos before and after streaming your video.
- Backdrop Images: To make your streaming visually appealing, you can use backdrop images while streaming the video. Not only this, add pictures in the background while rolling out mailers, creating posters and banners.
What Are Some Tips and Best Practices for Live Streaming?
Here are some tips that you can inculcate in your live streaming to make it a memorable experience for you and your audience-

- Keep Your Streaming Minimal: Keep your live streaming minimal. Including too many features means there will be more chances of malfunctioning, something you would never want to happen.
- Keep Plan B Ready: Play smart by always keeping a backup plan. Emergencies come invited, and having a plan B will invariably save you from getting embarrassed in front of your attendees.
- Ensure Maximum Audio and Video Clarity: Since there are no retakes in live streaming, ensure your audio and video are working perfectly. Make sure you place your lighting sources accordingly and use microphones to keep the background noises minimum. Wear clothes that go perfectly with the occasion and are not too flashy for live streaming.
- Perform a Dry Run: They say it right, ” Proper preparation prevents poor performance.” Doing that extra round of preparation can never go wrong. Perform a test run before your main day. Check if the internet is working accurately or not, also make some keynotes that will ensure you don’t miss out on anything. Even though it is a live event, planning it will make it a lot easier for you.
- Engage Your Audience: Live events are a great way to increase audience engagement and enhance your brand reach, given there are features that keep the attendees hooked to the event. To ensure your attendees don’t regret signing up for the event and find your live streaming interesting, include features like Q&A sessions and live polls. These characteristics of your live stream will make your audience feel involved and make your virtual event more effective.
- Choose Live Streaming Platform Wisely: No matter how prepared you are, everything comes down to the live streaming platform that you have chosen for your event. Saying the success of your virtual event depends on the live streaming service provider won’t be untrue. Hence, compare two-three options while choosing the live streaming platform.
- Handle Mistakes Humorously: Though it is always good to keep in mind that practice leads to perfection, you should also not forget that it is okay to make mistakes. If mistakes happen try to handle them with a punch; it will connect you with your audience.
- Ensure the Stability of Your Internet Connection: Ensure your internet is working properly. Use a LAN instead of Wi-Fi; it will help you improve the speed of your live stream and deliver a top-notch experience.
We hope this blog has cleared all your doubts regarding live streaming. If you’re looking forward to hosting one, book a demo with Dreamcast now!
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