Ensure The Safety & Security Of Your Ip Based Live Streaming With Dreamcast
- IP Based live streaming and webcasting Dreamcast guarantees you safety and protection at all times. We have assembled a list of the best features that will allow you to perform an online session without difficulties.
- Server Based This is server-based IP live streaming, and in order to hold an online session, you must connect a particular IP to the server. This restricts entry to a few people and ensures utmost safety and security.
- Microsite OR Virtual Event Dreamcast absolutely removes the need for a third-party social streaming network. However, the entire live stream is hosted on a separate server.
IP-based live streaming is a kind of interactive session that takes place without the use of any social media sites. Instead, the entire live recording takes place on a separate server where only the desired candidates can access. Dreamcast offers IP-based live webcasting solutions to help you take your life broadcasting to the next level. It allows you to get the most out of your audiences. Read More ....