
Video Conferencing : Meaning, Uses, Benefits, and Its Future

Online Video Conferences have become an integral part of several organizations across the globe, and it has now become impossible to think of organizations working without them. Gone are the days when online video conferencing was a luxury, and only large corporations could afford it. Given how advanced technology has become and how global communication has become the need of the hour, video conferencing has become more popular than ever, and all kinds of organizations have adapted to it. Also, it goes without saying that video conferencing was the technology that acted as a catalyst during the peak days of remote working. 

What is Video Conferencing And How Does It Work?

One can define video conferencing as the technology that enables two or more people to connect over audio-visual calls. It is a kind of online meeting where people interact with each other, irrespective of their locations across the globe, and it utilizes a strong internet connection. It utilizes a reliable solution and enables one to connect with fellow global professionals. It ensures productivity, connectivity, and engagement among people, irrespective of their location across the globe.

In case of informal uses, it is also known as video calls and video chats.  

In short,

  • Video conferencing allows people from different locations to connect with each other in real-time through face-to-face meetings. 
  • Video conferencing is widely used in company meetings, training sessions, etc. 
  • It was during the time of Covid-19 that its utilization saw a spike. 
  • Internet and video conferencing solutions are its major components; the quality of both these factors affects the quality of video conferencing. 
  • One can conduct or join a video conference through a laptop, desktop, and even mobile phone. 

The main advantage of hosting video conferences is it enables people to not only talk but also see each other live. This feature makes communication easy, boosts their relationships, and deepens their bonds. 

As we mentioned earlier, online video conferences are hosted on conferencing solutions. Also, since most of the video meeting platforms are multi-device accessible, both organizers and attendees can access them from any device of their choice. 

In addition to it, one important thing you need to know about video conferencing is that the speed and reliability of the internet connection have a direct impact on the quality of the video conference. 

Main Components of a Video Conferencing System

It brings people together, irrespective of where they are located in the world. The main factors that contribute to an online meeting platform are- 

  • Stable and reliable internet connection. 
  • A device to display the video conference. 
  • Video conferencing solution.
  • Webcam, microphone, lighting, etc.

Uses of Video Conferencing

Talking of the best uses of online conferencing, there are several points to note. These points are: 

  • Video conferencing is widely used by offices functioning in various parts of the world. It helps them connect directly and seamlessly with people on board. 
  • One can host video conferences to train employees and students. It comes as a savior if you are functioning in a remote working structure and hosting classes remotely. 
  • Another popular use of video conferences is connecting with shareholders and investors and sharing regular progress and updates with them. 

Did You Know?

The Impact of Video Conferencing report by Lifestyle states that as many as 51% of industry analysts have predicted that Video Conferencing will be more popular than Artificial Intelligence. 

What Are the Types of Video Conferencing?

It can be broadly divided into two types, which are point-to-point conferencing and Multipoint conferencing. These two types can be understood by the common types of conferences and formats they cover. Let us understand these two types one by one: 

1. Point-to-Point Conferencing:

Point-to-point conferencing involves communication between two people at a given time located in different locations of the world. 

Some of the most popular examples of point-to-point conferencing are: 

  • Job Interviews: 

Online job interviews have become extremely popular with the rise of remote working in the past few months. Conducting job interviews through video conferencing has helped HR professionals in speeding up the hiring process significantly. 

  • Customer Support: 

Efficient video conferencing solutions help businesses solve their customers’ queries in one go. The customer support team can connect with the customers and provide solutions to them instantly. 

2. Multipoint Conferencing:

As one can easily understand by the name itself, Multipoint Conferencing allows communication between three and more than three people at one time. It is why multipoint conferencing also goes by the name ‘group video meeting. Given that they enable groups to connect in real-time, they come as a great opportunity for businesses to conduct group meetings. 

Talking about the common examples of multipoint conferencing, here are a few to note: 

  • Team Meetings: 

Online or remote meetings have become extremely popular and they allow organizations and teams to connect with each other while they function remotely. 

  • Webinar: 

Webinars are also one type of online conference in one way. However, unlike regular meetings and conferences, where everybody is allowed to speak, webinars generally focus on the speaker and the facilitator. Webinars are hosted for educational purposes and are mostly used for product launches, training, and demo sessions. 

Did You Know?

Video meeting or conferencing has become a preferred way of collaboration and communication for more than 80% of employees. 

Source: Lifestyle

How Important Is Video Conferencing Nowadays?

The reliability of video conferencing has increased dramatically over the last few years. And can understand the importance of video conferencing by the following five benefits of video conferencing : 

  • Facilitates Digital Workforce: 

Digital work culture, which has become so popular these days, wouldn’t have been possible if it wasn’t for conferencing. Where people are working from different physical locations these days, it is video conferencing that makes it possible for them to maintain efficiency and workflow. With online conferencing, decision-making and collaborating globally have become possible. 

  • Streamline Management: 

Talking of digital workspace, one of the most critically required things is an effective online solution that helps in carrying out the work, sharing screens, and helping in instant messaging. Picking up a random online conferencing solution can complicate things instead of simplifying them. However, choosing an effective and trustworthy solution would make it easier for the team members to connect and communicate. 

  • Boost Flexibility: 

One thing that has significantly changed in the past few years is the workforce. The days of working rigidly for decided hours and in a particular format are long gone, and the days of flexible timings and mobility are here. Using video conferencing solutions these days eliminates complications and boosts the productivity of everybody involved. Not only this but video conferencing also eliminates the cost and need for traveling. Hence, if you are a globally-dispersed team, video conferencing helps bring the remote workforce together and boost liveliness in it. 

  • Boosts Communication: 

Communicating with people couldn’t become any easier, and video conferencing is considered one of the most reliable ways to do so. It makes communication faster and more efficient needless to say, you need a secure and service reliable video conferencing platform for it. 

  • Reduces Unnecessary Costs: 

Now that video conferencing has gained significant popularity, organizations have started to upgrade their preferences, and are now investing in an all-in-one video conferencing software like Mixhub. It helps them reduce significant costs and increase productivity and value simultaneously. 

Video Conferencing and Remote Workforce:

Online working or remote working, as we call it, became extensively popular in the past few years. And it goes without saying that video conferencing has been the catalyst that enabled it. 

Though remote working was popular earlier also, it was during the pandemic that it became a common name; hence, the dependency on video conferencing and video conferencing solutions increased significantly. In fact, if figures were to believe, the percentage of those working remotely has grown by 140%. Not only this, several employees are ready to take pay cuts in exchange for flexible working. While several organizations and corporations have resumed working from offices, many others have decided to work from home permanently. 

According to a survey, Future of Workforce Pulse Report, conducted by Upwork, 36.2 million Americans will supposedly work from home by 2025. 

Did You Know?

Flexible and remote working has become a preferred method of working, and the amount of job satisfaction has increased among the 83% of the workforce. 

Source: Hubspot

Talking about those who use video conferencing, the most popular sectors and organizations that rely on video conferencing are B2B, B2C, Healthcare, and Education sectors. 

#As per some statistics from Forbes, Gartner, and Lifesize, 

  • As many as 43% of remote teams are using video conferencing platforms. 
  • 78% of corporate companies are using video conferencing tools widely. 
  • Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, the healthcare industry using video conferencing solutions for communication has made the job of medical experts a lot safer and more convenient. 

What Does the Future Hold?

The origin of video conferencing dates back to 1964; hence, it is nowhere close to being called a new technology. Video conferencing was a part of our daily lives in one way or another before the pandemic and if reports are to be believed, the global video conferencing market, worth $5.32 billion in 2019 is expected to grow to $10.92 by 2027. 

While video conferencing became the only way for us to communicate with people during the pandemic, things have started to return to the previous pattern. However, even if offices have started to reopen, things are no longer the same. One can observe that the working patterns are no longer the same, and hybridization is becoming the new normal. It is why video conferencing is still relevant and is going to remain the same in the times to come.

Hop Onto Video Conferencing With the Best Video Conferencing Platform- Mixhub

Talking of video conferencing platforms, there is an abundance of names available in the market that offer you exciting features and offers. However, it all comes down to the name which is trustworthy and reliable, and when we talk of such features, no name comes closer to Mixhub. 

It is a self-managed online conference platform that empowers users to plan and host events all by themselves. It means you get the hold of your events right from the beginning till the end. 

Though there are plenty of features that Mixhub offers, the most important is it comes with a free trial. Hence, the users can try it and then pay for it if they like it. Isn’t it a deal worth stealing?

Know more about it by booking your demo today. 

A content reader and writer, following her dream of changing the world with the mightier pen. Also a believer of 'jack of all master of none,' with a zest of learning everything possible.

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