So, there is an event coming up and you are itching to stream it live. There also happens to be a video camera kept somewhere in your electronics drawer but the only issue is that you have never used it for live streaming. So in case you are wondering what to do about it, this blog may help you find your way.
For live streaming anything you need 3 things basically- an encoder, a video source, and a high-speed internet connection.
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Since you already have a camera here are a few things that you need to do convert your camera into a live stream question:
Quality Camera Setup
If you have ever seen the setup of a live streaming service provider or a webcast provider you must have noticed that they make their settings according to the camera that they have. Therefore, the first thing that you need to do is determined the kind of video output your camera gives. Your best guide in this scenario will be your camera manual and if not did you need to look into the camera make and model and do your homework online. Most regular users cameras are designed to give HDMI signal which are a few steps below the professional level cameras. There is lot more to live streaming dangerous to camera. So it is advised to do your homework well so that you can pull off a successful broadcast .
A Video Encoder
You will also need to purchase a video encoder. Basically, your camera only records the activities but that format doesn’t syncs with the way it needs to be transmitted over internet. You will need an encoder to do the job, it will optimise the video for web transmission. There are several types of encoders but you can go for, the software and coders work well with desktops and laptops while the hardware encoders are completely different and are made for video streaming. Make sure you do your research well before purchasing one. It doesn’t matter if you are using the periscope streaming technology or the YouTube live streaming technology, in either of the cases you will have to make use of an encoder.
Capture Device
You will also have to purchase a capture device it is needed only when you make use of software encoder route. This device captures live video feed from your camera and then transmits it to the encoding device.
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