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How AI Can Help You Create an Online AI Event in 10 Minutes or Less

Event organizers are under increasing pressure to produce top-notch events in today’s fast-paced world. The demand for speed and efficiency is more significant than ever with the rise of virtual and AI events. But how can you design an online event that engages your audience, offers value, and produces results in just 10 minutes or less? The AI for events hold the key. Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing how we organize and carry out events, making it quicker and simpler than ever to design captivating online events that have a lasting impact.  

Let’s start exploring the wave of innovation and the ways AI can be leveraged to streamline the event planning process.

Waves of Innovation in the Event Industry 

Over the years, as new technology and trends have evolved, the event business has gone through waves of innovation. From the earliest days of paper invitations to the development of social media and virtual events, these waves have altered how events are organized, promoted, and carried out. The use of event analytics and data, the integration of virtual and hybrid events, the use of mobile apps, and the incorporation of AI and machine learning are just a few of the major advancements that have had an impact on the event industry. These developments have made it simpler than ever to plan successful events that provide attendees and stakeholders with real value. The following are the major innovations in the events sector:

Innovation in Event Industry

Online Registration (2000-2007) 

With the broad adoption of online registration platforms, this wave of innovation signaled the transition from paper-based registration to digital registration. As a result, managing participant registrations and gathering vital information like contact details and preferences became simpler for event organizers. By eliminating the need to complete paper registration forms and mail them in, it also made it easier for participants to sign up for events.

Event Apps (2007-2014)

Event apps became popular during this period of technological advancement, enabling attendees to receive information on events, schedules, and other specifics directly from their mobile devices. Moreover, event applications offered networking resources, maps and directions, and real-time updates to help guests stay informed and involved during the event.

Engagement Apps (2015-2019)

The utilization of mobile apps and other technology to boost attendees’ involvement and participation was the main emphasis of this innovation wave. Additionally, these apps offered functions like social network integration, live polling, and gamification, enabling users to engage with each other and the event material in novel and fun ways.

Virtual Events (2020-2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic, which compelled many events to migrate to online webinar platforms, served as the catalyst for this wave of innovation. With no need for travel and lower costs, virtual events allowed guests to take part from anywhere in the world. Other engagement options, such as virtual networking and interactive sessions, were also made available through virtual events.

Artificial Intelligence (2023-?) 

Although this wave of innovation is still in its infancy, it is anticipated to have a substantial impact on the events sector in the years to come. AI for events may be used to tailor event experiences, evaluate attendee behavior and data, and automate work like event administration and scheduling. As AI technology develops, it is anticipated that it will play a bigger part in the organization and execution of successful AI events. In fact, most event organizers use AI for event planning. One emerging tool which can be used in the event planning industry is the AI video generator from text, which allows planners to create engaging promotional materials quickly. In simple words AI for event planning revolutionizes the industry by automating repetitive tasks and optimizing efficiency.

Streamline your Event Planning and Management Process with AI Technology 

For short meetings and small business get-togethers, video conferencing and screen sharing might be adequate, but for compelling virtual events, you need a more capable platform. The experience of attendance at virtual events is currently being revolutionized by AI (Artificial Intelligence).

AI for event planning provides

Processes like event planning, attendee registration, and event marketing are all automated using AI. Chatbots with AI capabilities can answer participants’ inquiries and offer tailored recommendations depending on their interests. AI for event planning provides valuable insights and data analysis to enhance decision-making and strategy. Analysis of attendee data using predictive analytics can enhance AI event experiences. AI can also be utilized for risk management and security, with data analytics and facial recognition technologies assisting in the identification of potential security concerns. AI has expedited procedures, boosted guest experiences, and improved event security in the AI event planning sector.
Event management and planning procedures can be streamlined with the aid of AI-powered tools like Chat GPT. Let’s understand how Chat GPT can help you to create an online event without extra effort.

Create Topic- Use Chat GPT to come up with an event topic

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

“Please write 5 potential event topics that could attract over 1,000 [insert your ideal customer profile] to register and attend the event.”

  • Choose the suitable topic
Example of event topics generated by Chat GPT

Example of event topics generated by Chat GPT

Generate Event Schedule- Build an agenda and run of the show within a few seconds

AI for event planning streamlines event logistics, from venue selection to scheduling, making the planning process more efficient.

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

Build a table that has a run of show for the above event that is 2 hours long, starting on [Date and Time]. Suggest topics for keynotes, breakouts sessions, breaks, and expo booths. Create the table with the following columns:  Start date, Start time, End date, End time, Schedule name, Schedule description, Segment name, and Segment type. 

“Segment name” can be one of 5 options:  N/A, main stage, room A, room B, or expo hall.  

“Segment type” can be one of 5 options: stage, sessions, networking, expo, or break.  “Time” should be formatted in 24 hours, not 12 hours.”

Example of an event schedule generated by ChatGPT

Example of an event schedule generated by ChatGPT

  • Copy this table 
  • AI for event planning can help organizers to reduce the work load and save the time

Find the Speaker- Use Chat GPT to get the speaker suggestion for your event

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

What international speakers can I invite to talk at [event name]?

Name of speakers suggested by Chat GPT

Name of speakers suggested by Chat GPT

  • Choose a speaker from the list
  • After choosing the speaker, use the following prompt to write emails to them: “Write a brief email inviting [person’s name] to speak at [event name]. 

Create a landing page- Chat GPT can write high-converting copy and engaging content

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

Write compelling copy for the landing page of the online event called [name of your event]  that encourages visitors to fill out the registration form.

Landing page content offered by Chat GPT

Landing page content offered by Chat GPT

  • Copy the content and use it for your landing page

Email- Create an Email invitation copy with Chat GPT

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

Write an email invitation for [Event Name]

Email invitation generated by Chat GPT

Email invitation generated by Chat GPT

Most event organizers use the Chat GPT to create AI conference invitations. Now it has become an important part of marketing strategy. 

Promote the Event-  Chat GPT can help to create social media posts 

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

Write a social media post to promote [Event Name]

Example of social media post created by Chat GPT

Example of social media post created by Chat GPT

  • Use this post to promote your event on social media platforms

Engage the Audience-  Use Chat GPT to get ice-breaking game ideas

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

Give me 5 ice-breaking game ideas for [Event Name].

Ice-breaking game ideas offered by Chat GPT

Ice-breaking game ideas offered by Chat GPT

  • Consider one or more ice-breaking games for your event 

Know about your event- Create a feedback form with the help of Chat GPT

  • Open Chat GPT
  • Enter the following prompt and be sure to substitute your unique information in the bracketed text:

Create a form to collect audience feedback after the [Event Name]

Feedback form generated by Chat GPT

Feedback form generated by Chat GPT

Note:-  The output of these prompts can vary according to the last response of Chat GPT 

Final Words:-

AI has completely changed how we organize and carry out online events. You can design online events that are not just productive and efficient but also incredibly memorable and powerful when AI is on your side. Why not give it a shot and see how AI can assist you in developing your next online event in 10 minutes or less?   To simplify the organization of your next event, use the Chat GPT and the suggestion prompts above. In order to let us know how your webinars are doing, don’t forget to tag us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

With platforms like Webinar Plus, marketers and event professionals have access to powerful features that make it easier than ever to create engaging and impactful webinars. Webinar Plus offers a range of tools to help you design and deliver high-quality webinars to your audience, from AI matchmaking to tailored attendee experiences. With tools for audience involvement and real-time statistics, you can monitor the effectiveness of your webinars and make ongoing improvements to your content strategy.

That’s not all. To provide you with even more AI-powered features and capabilities, we’re continually upgrading and expanding our platform. Hence, to receive updates on our products, be sure to check out our changelog.

An experienced content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the information technology industry. Expert at creating a wide variety of content ranging from marketing, creative and informative. He is always ready to do something creative and out of the box.

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