Webinar Plus

How Can You Plan and Create Effective Employee Training Webinars?

More popular than ever, remote work culture has been adapted by several global companies, and they have decided to follow the same in the future as well.
One element of remote working is employee training webinars hosted on employee training webinar platforms.
Through this guide, we intend to inform and educate you about employee training webinars and how you can host one for your employees.

What is an Employee Training Webinar?

As the name suggests, employee training webinars are hosted with the intent of training employees. They are similar to their in-person counterparts; the only difference is the medium of hosting. Since employee training webinars are hosted on the employee training webinar platforms, they allow the hosts to connect with thousands of employees from across the globe.
To understand employee training webinars easily, you can think of them as pre-recorded or live sessions where employees of a certain organization connect; the objective of these employee training webinars is to give training to them.

Organizations use webinars to train their employees because webinars can address the employees on a large scale and company-wide. Where small and one-on-one training sessions might lead up to confusion, webinars can be hosted to address the participants on a wider scale. Not only this, webinars have always been considered one of the most effective and efficient ways to create reusable content and programs.

Talking of that, here are some of the most common advantages of hosting employee training webinars on Online Training Software:

What are the most common employee training webinar topics? 

Webinars have always been one of the most efficient and sought-after ways to educate the audience about a certain topic. Not only this, most organizations host webinars to explain and demonstrate products and services to the audience. Apart from that, webinars have also been used to train employees and cover a variety of topics related to the employees’ benefits on a large scale. 

If you are also planning to host training webinars on an online training platform for employees, here are the most common topics you can talk about. 

Statistics Reveal: 

As many as 80% of remote workers prefer frequent online training sessions over workplace training.

Source: LORMAN

How can you host successful employee training webinars quickly and easily? 

Hosting employee onboarding and training webinars is not a cakewalk and might also be a tough nut to crack for some. But, with a detailed guide, things might get easy for you. Keeping that in mind, here, we are sharing a step-by-step guide with you to host successful employee training webinars. 

1. Bifurcate the Content You Want to Deliver: 

The first thing you should ideally do while planning your employee training session is divide your content into topics and subtopics. While most of the attendees prefer attending webinars of lengths up to 30-45 minutes. So, if you are planning to cover wider topics in your webinars, make sure you divide them into shorter sessions. Attending online sessions is not easy, and it comes with several challenges; Zoom fatigue is one of them. Hence, it is always advisable to cover topics in shorter sessions. It would ensure maximum attendee attendance and engagement rates. Apart from that, this would also make it easier for the remote employees to go through the topics and watch the session on subjects they would like. 

2. Select the Speakers and Hosts for the Webinar Session: 

Now that you have divided the content into subtopics, the next step requires you to look for speakers and hosts for those sessions. You should assign different topics to different team members based on their demography and job roles. Not only this, we would suggest if you are hosting training sessions for the primary teams, let the respective team members host the sessions. It’d help them introduce themselves to their team members and vice versa. Also, if you are planning to deliver a keynote session, you can invite industry experts for the same. 

3. Decide on the Format of the Webinar: 

In this step, you are required to decide the format of your webinar. Choose if you want to conduct the employee training over pre-recorded webinars or live webinars. Though experts suggest that one should always opt for live webinars, as they help you connect with the employees in real-time. Also, even the attendees prefer live webinars over other formats as they create a sense of connection between the attendees and the hosts. Another advantage of hosting live webinars is that several employee webinar platforms come with the recording feature. This feature allows you to record the entire webinar and make the recording available for the attendees. 

4. Conduct Surveys: 

Before finalizing anything, we recommend you survey all the employees. This survey would help you understand the employees’ preferences and the kind of content and format they are comfortable with. Not only this, involving the team members while planning and hosting the webinars would make them feel involved, and it will boost a sense of enthusiasm among them. 

5. Pick Additional Sources: 

If you are planning to host employee engagement training webinars and want to make them more valuable, we recommend you use tools and features like slideshows, live chats, live polls, and file uploading. All these tools will help you make your webinars more engaging and level up your webinar game. 

6. Begin Registrations: 

Now that you have almost prepared your webinars, it’s time you should begin with the registration process. But, before that, make sure the employee training webinar you have chosen is completely safe and secure. The last thing you would want to happen is the hacking of your webinar and leakage of your confidential information. 

Also, to add to the safety, we suggest you shouldn’t take any risks and password protect your webinar. Not only this, make sure you give access to the speakers and hosts so that they can add or remove and mute-unmute any participant. 

7. Choose the Right Employee Webinar Platform:

The most important factor that will determine the success of your webinar is the platform you choose for your virtual training. While looking for the platform, make sure you don’t make any decisions in a hurry; take your time, do your research, and select an option that goes well with your goals and objectives. 

Though all webinar platforms offer different features to their users, here are a few to look for in online training software

  • Live Data Analytics
  • Audience Engagement Tools
  • Live Polls
  • Q&A 
  • Video Calls
  • Secured Interface
  • Screen Sharing
  • Recording
  • Email and Message Reminders
  • Top-notch audio and video quality;
  • The Best Networking and Communication Tools
  • File Sharing, etc. 

One platform that has all the features covered is Webinar Plus. You can get your hands on this platform and host the best employee training webinars.

8. Host A Practice Session: 

Even if you think you are all set to jump into the pool directly, we suggest you should always host a practice session. No matter the format of your webinar, live or pre-recorded, it is always suggested to go for a quick run-through. It will help you go through the online training software and familiarize yourself with all the tools and features of the platform. Moreover, the practice session will help you find the loopholes in your strategy and platform, and get them corrected in due time. 

9. Ask for Post-Webinar Feedback: 

Now that you have hosted the employee training webinar, it’s time to ask for the attendees’ reviews and feedback. You can create a post-event survey and send it to your employees. In the form, you can ask the following questions: 

  1. Did they find the webinar helpful? 
  2. Were there any difficulties and glitches that the attendees faced during the webinar? 
  3. Were there any distractions during the webinar? 
  4. What were the plus points and negative points of the webinar? 

Online training sessions have gained excessive popularity over the past few years. Though hosting virtual sessions is not that difficult, it still requires some skills and, most importantly, the best employee training webinar platform. 

One such platform is Webinar Plus. At Webinar Plus, we not only promise you the best experience but strive to deliver it to you. 

To check out what all Webinar Plus has to offer, get in touch with us and book your demo session today.

A content reader and writer, following her dream of changing the world with the mightier pen. Also a believer of 'jack of all master of none,' with a zest of learning everything possible.

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