The arrival of Facebook Live and the live streaming services it provides brought with it a change in the digital media and marketing industry. Be it content creators, brands or advertisers, everyone has made use of this tool to expand their reach to the audience and in some way, profit from it.
In the case of companies using Facebook live webcasting to show their audiences some behind-the-scenes and a more humane side of them, this tool has changed the playing field completely. The growth of Facebook live users across the globe has grown exponentially over the years and with that, so has brand engagement. Videos and images were already a part of the larger social media trends, but Facebook live video streaming took it to the next level. It is no wonder that marketers and brands were eager to jump on this wagon and maximize the potential engagement and reach it offers. If you are looking for the best ways to use Facebook live video streaming to your benefit as well, we have divided this blog into 3 subcategories to make it more comprehensible.

Facebook Live Tips Before Event
1. Pre-event promotion
People often miss out on the fact that a live video is more like an event than a single post. Facebook live webcasting, therefore, requires you to treat it as such. Any event needs to be promoted beforehand to garner maximum attention and the same goes for digital events too. Generate curiosity and interest in your audiences about the live stream so that a lot of people tune in to it, something that can be accomplished with focused advertising campaigns. Another way to promote is to put posts about the upcoming stream on your Facebook page along with multiple social media platforms that you are active on.
2. Prepare beforehand and remove distractions
Despite being more laid-back in comparison to television and YouTube, you need to prepare and plan Facebook live tips before Event. There is little to no margin for error in this type of real-time communication with your audience without it reflecting badly upon your brand. The simple solution to this problem is to stay as prepared as you can be even before broadcasting. One of the essential Facebook live tips before the Event is to do individual trial runs, check the lightings, camera settings, background noises and any other aspect that can cause trouble later during the stream.
3. Decide the logistics and format
Decide when, how and where you will live stream well in time so that you get the time to set-up everything. The device you will use, the operating system compatibility and the horizontal or vertical format of the stream; all of these are equally important considerations. Facebook live streaming tips here suggest that you try all options privately at first before making a decision. You will find what works best in which scenarios. For example, a vertical video may not be the best for interviews, but it is great for intimate behind-the-scenes experience for the audience.
4. Have the perfect timing possible
To have the correct sense of timing in regards to your viewers is essential in live streaming. You do not want to start and continue a stream at a time when there are very few viewers. Have the insights about the time periods when your audience is most active online and then set up your Facebook live stream around that time. This way, you will get the most number of people tuning in to your live video instead of people missing out on it because of inconvenient timing.
Also Read: How To Use Facebook Live Effectively For Your Business Broadcasts & Webcasts
Facebook Live Tips During Event
1. Give context from time to time
Once you start the live stream, there are a different set of concerns for you to take care of. People join into any live stream at various points from the start to just before it ends. Therefore, the host needs to repeat the necessary information and a general context from time to time. The new audience will not be aware of the conversation already going on or events passed by during the stream that they missed, hence the need to let them know what is going on periodically.
2. Be responsive and engaging
The primary purpose of this activity is to garner audience attention and engagement, so it is expected of the live stream host to make it as interesting as possible. The essential Facebook live streaming tips for brand and event is to be as lively, responsive and engaging as possible. Read and reply to comments, so that it feels like a proper two-way conversation to the audience rather than making them feel like passive participants.
3. Get people to like you
People watch only what they like, ergo, make them like you and your stream. Be relatable and form a connection with them rather than showcasing the image of an obnoxious advertiser. Try to be as genuine, believable and real as possible to have a more long-lasting impact on them. Facebook live tips during Event emphasize that any attempts at product or brand promotions should be very subtle.
Post-Event Facebook Live Tips
1. Give shout-outs
Like many other live-streaming platforms, Facebook live also saves and archives videos after the live stream is done. You can then direct your audience’s attention to it once again later on. One of the post-event Facebook live tips is to give shout-outs to viewers, fellow collaborators and others to raise the interest of viewers who didn’t watch the video live.
2. Make use of other social media as well
While it is obvious that a Facebook live video will be watched and promoted on Facebook, but why limit yourself to that. The post-event Facebook live tips to keep in mind here is that you can use multiple social media platforms to promote your Facebook live video streaming. Whether it is Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn or even your own website, there are so many mediums at your disposal.
Also Read: The Complete Guide To Facebook Live Streaming
3. Result analysis to move forward
The best way to improve any undertaking is to analyze the results and learn from the inferences derived. Video analytics, Facebook metrics and several other tools available in the market can aid you in receiving and understanding insightful data to determine what the audience likes or dislikes.
The potential of live streaming on Facebook live is endless, with it being utilized in sectors like business, education or brand marketing. This guide to some of the best Facebook live streaming tips for before, during and after your broadcast helps you in optimizing your content. So set your own live broadcast in the right direction and make the best use of this amazing tool at your service!